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1000 Island Bridge, Mitchell Beattie


Sex Addictions Treatment

What is sex addiction?

Sex addiction, sometimes referred to as compulsive sexual behaviour, is a complex issue characterized by an individual’s persistent, and often escalating pattern of sexual behaviours.


These behaviours become difficult to control and cause significant distress or impairment in various areas of life.


These behaviours can include, but are not limited to:

  • Frequent use of pornography or cam sites

  • Excessive masturbation

  • Multiple sexual partners

  • Purchasing sex

  • Dating apps or chat rooms


We assist you with obtaining sobriety from these behaviours, while also understanding the narratives that keep you in the cycle of addiction.

Couple by the Sea
Sad Portrait

Are you a partner of a sex addict?

Whether you found out about sexual behaviour you were unaware of, or you have suspicions, it is important for you to be supported in this difficult time. Partners who have a loved one struggling with a sex addiction experience betrayal trauma.


“Betrayal makes us feel like we are losing our minds. It yanks our sense of security out from under us and puts us in a state of emotional free fall.”

- Michelle Mays, “The Betrayal Bind”,



Brockville Addictions Treatment takes a supportive, attachment-based approach to betrayal trauma. We assist and support you in setting boundaries, creating safety, and navigating next steps to begin healing.


What We Offer


Free Consultation

Book a free 15-minute appointment to speak with a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist to determine next steps.


Individual Sessions

Learn skills to obtain sobriety as well as address the deeper emotional work to unravel the narratives that keep you stuck in the cycle of addiction.


Sessions are 50-minutes in length. The fee for service is $150 +HST.


Couple Sessions

Couples sessions are focused on rebuilding trust through the lens of trauma and attachment. 


Sessions are 50-minutes in length. The fee for service is $150 +HST. 

Partner Support

Individual sessions are geared toward supporting you in your journey of healing. This includes: boundary setting, emotional processing and navigating next steps. 


Sessions are 50-minutes in length. The fee for service is $150 +HST. 


Group Therapy
Get connected with others that are on a similar path to recovery. Journey together as you learn new skills, insights and practice vulnerability in a compassionate environment. 

Sessions are 60-90 minutes in length. The fee for service is $75 +HST.


Upcoming Groups

May 6, 2024

7:30pm - 8:30pm EST

Every Monday


Pornography Recovery Skills Group - In Person or Online

This 8-week program takes you through skills for gaining sobriety against pornography.


Topics will include: 

  • Creating Relapse Prevention Plan

  • Identify Triggers

  • Developing Coping Strategies

  • Learning to Deactivate Reaction Sequence 

  • Identifying and Challenging Unhealthy Narratives


Minimum Required: 3 attendees


Cost: $500+ HST ($62.50+ HST per session).


The program must be paid in full upon registration. If needed, payment plans can be arranged. Please contact for details. No refunds will be given unless sufficient reasoning with doctors note is provided.


Individual therapy, alongside group work, is recommended. If you don't have an individual therapist, please contact us to discuss availability.

May 7, 2024

7:30pm - 8:30pm EST

Every Tuesday


Help Her Heal Therapy Group Part 1 - In Person or Online

This 8-week program is designed for men who have had extra-marital affairs. It is a step-by-step guide to learn how to have empathy towards the hurt your partner is experiencing.


Topics will include: 

  • Understanding the Impact of the Betrayal

  • Learning how to Communicate with Empathy

  • What to Expect From Your Betrayed Partner

  • How to Help your Partner Manage Triggers


Minimum Required: 3 attendees


Cost: $500+ HST ($62.50+ HST per session).


The program must be paid in full upon registration. If needed, payment plans can be arranged. Please contact for details. No refunds will be given unless sufficient reasoning with doctors note is provided.


Individual therapy, alongside group work, is recommended. If you don't have an individual therapist, please contact us to discuss availability.

July 2024

12:00 noon - 1:00pm EST

 Monday or Thursday Bi-Weekly

8 Sessions (over 16 weeks)


Recovery Maintenance Group 

This maintenance group will take place on the lunch-hour every other week. This program is intended to support your daily practice of the skills learned in group therapy, as well as maintain accountability of sobriety.


Prior completion of individual therapy or a group program is required to join this maintenance group. If you haven't completed such a program but want to join for support in your sobriety journey, contact us to determine eligibility.


Minimum Required: 3


Cost: $400 +HST ($50+ HST per session) 


The program must be paid in full upon registration. If needed, payment plans can be arranged. Please contact for details. No refunds will be given unless sufficient reasoning with doctors note is provided.




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